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Optional: Understanding the Linux Scheduler


This task is for your self-exploration only. You are not required to submit any answers for this task. It is not graded and does not contribute to your final mark.


You will be working with Linux kernel version 6.7.0. Download the kernel configuration file from here. Since this kernel is intended for use with QEMU only, support for VirtualBox shared folders, etc., is not required.

Ensure the downloaded configuration file is placed in the root directory of the kernel source tree and rename it to .config. Then proceed to build the kernel using the command make -j$(nproc).

After that, execute the following command to generate the file:

make scripts_gdb

Code Browsing

There are several tools available to assist you in navigating the kernel source code. You may find this page helpful for an overview of these tools.

For this task, I recommend using clangd in conjunction with VSCode. clangd offers the advantage of interpreting the kernel's build configuration, providing relatively accurate code navigation features. When combined with VSCode, you can easily navigate through the kernel source code. Additionally, code disabled by macros in the kernel configuration file will appear greyed out, allowing you to focus on the active part of the code.

However, if you prefer using other editors or IDEs, you are free to do so. You can refer to this page for a list of other editors/IDEs compatible with clangd.

Below is a brief guide to setting up clangd and VSCode. For more detailed instructions, you can search the web or ask ChatGPT for assistance:

  1. Build the kernel on your Linux machine as usual.
  2. Run ./scripts/clang-tools/ in the kernel source tree to generate the compile_commands.json file.
  3. Install VSCode on your local machine.
  4. Install the "remote-ssh" extension in VSCode.
  5. Connect to the VM using the "remote-ssh" extension in VSCode.
  6. Install the "clangd" extension from the Extension marketplace in the VM.
  7. Use "open folder" to open the kernel source tree in VSCode.
  8. Open a C file within the kernel source tree. If clangd is not installed, you will receive a prompt at the bottom-right corner of the window asking you to install clangd. Click "Install" to proceed.

Note: If you have the official "C/C++" extension installed, you may need to disable it to prevent conflicts with clangd.

Once set up, you can open the file kernel/sched/fair.c at line 13073, where the object for the fair scheduling class is defined. You will notice that many fields are greyed out, indicating that they are disabled by macros in the kernel configuration file.

In the object, you will see several functions wrapped between #ifdef CONFIG_SMP and #endif, which are disabled by the CONFIG_SMP macro.


When CONFIG_SMP is disabled, what feature is lost? How does this simplification aid in analyzing the scheduler?

Attaching GDB to the Kernel

You've already learned how to attach GDB to the kernel via QEMU in the previous assignment.

Below is a Makefile to automate the process of attaching GDB to the kernel:

KERNEL_DIR = ../linux-6.7

bzImage = $(KERNEL_DIR)/arch/x86/boot/bzImage
vmlinux = $(KERNEL_DIR)/vmlinux

    qemu-system-x86_64 \
        -s -S \
        -nographic \
        -kernel $(bzImage) \
        -append "nokaslr console=ttyS0"

    gdb $(vmlinux) -x gdbinit
    ln -s $(KERNEL_DIR)/scripts/gdb/ .

Make sure to update the KERNEL_DIR variable to the path of your kernel source tree.

The gdbinit file contains the following commands:

define hook-quit

target remote localhost:1234

You can now use make qemu to start the QEMU instance and execute make gdb in another terminal to attach GDB to the QEMU instance. When GDB is launched, it will execute the commands specified in the gdbinit. These commands include a hook to terminate QEMU when GDB is exited and establish a connection between GDB and the QEMU instance.

Should you encounter a warning indicating "auto-loading has been declined," it suggests that the script provided by the kernel was not loaded successfully. This script offers a range of commands to streamline kernel debugging. For more information regarding this script, please refer to this page.

Follow the instructions provided in the warning message to resolve the warning.

Drawing a Call Graph

To gain a better understanding of how things work, we can create a call graph for a specific function of interest.

For instance, if we want to understand how the __schedule function is invoked, we can follow these steps:

  1. Launch the kernel and attach GDB to it as described previously.
  2. Set a breakpoint at the beginning of the __schedule function.
  3. Execute the continue command to allow the kernel to run.
  4. When the breakpoint is hit, execute the bt command to print the call stack, revealing the call path to the __schedule function.
  5. Repeat the process several times to collect multiple call paths to the __schedule function.
  6. Use a Python script to parse the collected call paths.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Use the "logging" feature of GDB to dump the outputs to a file.
  • Define a "hook" in GDB so that it automatically executes the backtrace command when the breakpoint is hit.

Then by setting the breakpoint and repeating the continue command, you can collect the call paths. Once the call paths are collected, you can use a Python script to parse them.

The provided Python script prints a dot script. You can use Graphviz to generate the diagram from the dot script using the following command:

python3 gdb.__schedule.txt | dot -Tsvg -o schedule.svg

You can replace the svg in the command with other formats such as png or pdf to generate the diagram in different formats. Additionally, feel free to modify the provided script to meet your specific requirements, or explore alternative methods to generate the call graph.

Here's an example of the call graph for the __schedule function:

__schedule call graph


Please create a call graph illustrating the invocation of the place_entity function.

Ensure the diagram is generated in PDF format and include it in your submission.

Inspecting the Fair Scheduler

In this task, we will concentrate on a subset of methods utilized within the fair scheduler. These methods are as follows:

    .enqueue_task   = enqueue_task_fair,
    .dequeue_task   = dequeue_task_fair,
    .yield_task     = yield_task_fair,
    .wakeup_preempt = check_preempt_wakeup_fair,
    .pick_next_task = __pick_next_task_fair,
    .put_prev_task  = put_prev_task_fair,
    .set_next_task  = set_next_task_fair,
    .task_tick      = task_tick_fair,
    .task_fork      = task_fork_fair,

This setup reflects an object-oriented programming approach in C.

Please analyse the provided methods within the setup. Determine the functionality of each method and identify when they are typically called. You can consult with ChatGPT or Copilot on this.

After analysing the call graph generated in the previous part, it's evident that the place_entity function is invoked from 2/3 distinct paths:

  1. kernel_clone
    • copy_processtask_fork_fairplace_entity
    • wake_up_new_taskactivate_taskenqueue_task_fairplace_entity
  2. try_to_wake_upactivate_taskenqueue_task_fairplace_entity

Path 1 primarily deals with the creation of a new task, while Path 2 focuses on awakening a previously sleeping task.

Please review the source code of place_entity to discern how it behaves differently between the two types of incoming tasks during placement.


Please provide a brief explanation of the differences in the behaviour of place_entity between the two types of incoming tasks.

Another observation is that place_entity is called twice for each new task created. Is this a bug or a feature? Please provide a brief explanation.


  • Use the techniques we've covered to help figure out the behaviour.
  • When you use GDB to debug the kernel, you can use $lx_current() to get the current task and $lx_per_cpu("runqueues") to get the runqueues. These are useful helpers provided by the script.


Is calling place_entity twice for each new task created a bug or a feature? Please provide a brief explanation.
