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In this course, we will have 4 assignments. Tentatively, we will follow the schedule below.

Assignment Release Due
Assignment 1 Mon, 22 Jan 2024 Mon, 12 Feb 2024
Assignment 2 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 Mon, 11 Mar 2024
Assignment 3 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 Mon, 1 Apr 2024
Assignment 4 Mon, 1 Apr 2024 Mon, 22 Apr 2024

The maximum score for an assignment is 50 marks. Each assignment will include two parts, i.e., Part A (35 marks) and Part B (15 marks). Part A includes some hands-on practice to make you explore aspects about Linux kernel. Part B includes some exercises that test your understanding on the topics covered in the lectures.

Assignments are always due at 17:59 on some Monday. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 1 mark per hour.

Academic Integrity

The assignments in this course are all INDIVIDUAL assignments.

The assignments are primarily designed as practical experiences to enhance your skills and knowledge. Plagiarism not only negate the benefits of this assignment, but also defeats the purpose of taking the course. These assignments are structured to foster your learning, not to fail students.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in severe consequences in accordance with the University's policy.

Collaboration and Proper Attribution

While collaboration is acceptable to some extent, the assignment questions and tasks should be approached independently. If you receive assistance from classmates, friends, or external resources, you must provide appropriate citations in your submission.

File Sharing

It is strictly prohibited to share your solution files with individual students or through public channels, such as blog posts. Solution files must not be stored in unprotected directories or repositories. If you use a code repository, like GitHub, ensure that it remains private even after the course concludes. Do not open source your code.

Proper Use of AI Tools

We encourage the legitimate and responsible use of AI tools, including ChatGPT, Bard, Bing Chat, and Copilot, to enrich your learning experience.

These AI tools can be employed for various educational purposes:

  • You can seek assistance in proofreading and editing your writing to improve the quality of your work.
  • You can use AI tools to seek explanations for basic concepts, aiding your understanding of course materials.
  • You may request help in explaining pieces of code.

It is strictly prohibited to engage in the following actions:

  • You must not ask AI tools to generate code on your behalf.
  • You are prohibited from generating content and presenting it as your own work or idea, whether directly or through paraphrasing.
  • Do not use AI tools to process resources not created by you with the intention to plagiarize.

General Advice

  • When submitting code, it is essential to ensure that the code compiles without errors. A compilation error will result in a score of ZERO for that question.
  • Use the root user (or sudo) ONLY for operations that really require super-user privileges. Why is it bad to log in as root?
  • Pay close attention to instructions and tips. A thorough understanding will save your time and effort.
  • Don't fear making mistakes; they're part of the learning process. Understand that you can always start over and seek help when needed.
  • When you encounter errors, read the messages carefully, especially the first one issued. They often hold the key to resolving issues.
  • Hone your problem-solving skills by harnessing the vast knowledge available online.


If you have any feedback on this assignment, please mail to your TA.